Volunteers are at the heart of the organisation. We welcome volunteers from all walks of life, with different skills, abilities, experiences and backgrounds. We pride ourselves with our diverse group of volunteers.
Are you interested in volunteering with W.E.L.Safe at festival and events across the UK (and overseas)?
We have lots of festival/event welfare volunteer opportunities available now and all through the year.
What do I need to become a volunteer?
You do not need lots of experience as full training will be given before you can volunteer with us. However you must be willing to work in a non-judgemental way, be caring and empathetic, and have a passion for creating safer spaces at festivals and events
Experience or an interest in the following will be helpful:
•Substance misuse
•Mental health, sexual health or health promotion
•Medical, nursing, first aid
•Youth Work, community work
•Social Care or social work
•A related field/qualifications e.g. education, housing support...
We welcome volunteers from all walks of life and back grounds.
email: community@welsafe.co.uk
Free training for all of our volunteers - Event/Festival Welfare, Substance Misuse, Mental Health, Safeguarding, Medical Awareness, Disability Awareness...
Gain new skills and invaluable new experiences with new friends and like minded people
Food and travel expenses covered
Lots of different opportunities to volunteer all year round
Opportunity to become team leader, gain work experience and help the wider community
(Video by Real Talk @realtalksocialmediaco)